Extinction Rebellion Covid-19 Health and Safety Guidelines

Our planet is experiencing a serious pandemic that affects people of all ages.
Our choices impact not just ourselves, but others within our community.

XR NYC’s health & safety guidelines are based on the following information:

  • Covid-19 spreads asymptomatically and in fine droplets generated even while speaking

  • It can adhere to surfaces which are touched

  • Humans touch their faces frequently

  • There is no vaccine as of yet and possibly not in the near future

  • Latest Statistics: 24.7 million infected, 412,000 deaths in the US (NY Times, January 22, 2021)

In solidarity with all who have died, lost a loved one and/or have become infected:

  • Rebels agree to WEAR MASKS AT ALL TIMES (except when eating and drinking).

  • We will help to remind each other to be physically distant at least six feet when gathered.

  • Chanting in close proximity is not encouraged, as chanting and speaking loudly produces respiratory droplets comparable to sneezing and coughing. Alternative forms of noise making, musical instruments, drums and sound amplification are safest. 

  • Sneezing and coughing should be covered by your arm as well as using your mask. 

In the spirit of cooperation and mutual aid:

  • A designated health & safety monitor will offer a reminder at the start of each action, presenting community guidelines, and confirming cooperation of the group. Monitors will remind rebels of guidelines throughout actions as needed. 

  • The community agreement includes hand signals to request physical distance, and a hand signal to remind others to wear masks. Encouraging the use of these hand-signals is intended to de-stigmatize the request for safety, and to encourage cooperation without blaming and shaming. 

  • There will be designated eating areas away from food tables and sanitizing hands before the use of food utensils and products is encouraged.